Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Preliminary Task- School Magazine Contents

Analysing the contents page of my magazine.
For the preliminary task I also created a contents page.
I followed the green, black and white colours from the front cover onto the contents page, so as to carry
the theme throughout the magazine. I copied the symbol of an eye onto the contents page, but in a larger size. The title of the page is written in a large Times New Roman font in green, with a black outline so it stands out and can be seen against the white background. it also has a black underline which emphasises that the word "Contents..." is the title. The actual list of contents itself is split into two sections, one of them with a light green background, and slants at an angle to the other list so it highlights the difference between the contents that are already stated on the cover and the ones that havn't been mentioned. The contents are listed in bullet points down the left and right hand side and are written in the same font as the cover, to follow with the same theme, in a darker green so the "on the cover" side can stand out against the light green background. I inserted a few small images which are anchored by their text, which is one of the contents. For example, the iPod nano picture is anchored by the text " Page 8- this week's competition...WIN an iPod Nano!" Other pictures I used were one of Mr Southern, whose anchorage text is "Page 3- Are Mr Southern's healthy locks all a lie?!" and one of a chicken burger, with the text "The truth behind the cook's ingredients- you'll never eat a chicken burger again!". The bottom half of the page is filled up with "A note from the editor" which is written in a black font so it looks different to the contents, and isn't misconstrued as the contents.

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