Friday, 8 April 2011


I asked two friends, Joe Richards and Ben Farrell to look at my magazine and tell em how effective they thought it was. Joe said, about my front cover; "I think the colours are eye-catching and electric. The -what do I call it? Masthead?- masthead jumps out the page at me and the glow around the words add to the vibrant effect. I like the theme of the colours- it appeals to a younger generation. The whole page draws me in- I'd buy it yeah!"
About my contents page, Ben said "It's so clearly laid out, it would be very easy for me to find a feature I particularly wanted to read. I like the contrast and balance of text and images, too  much of either would be overpowering. I like how the theme from the front cover is extended onto this page too."
Ben said, about my double page spread "the use of images are effective and adds interest and contrast to the page. It is a good balance between image and text, again, and I like the simplicity of the interview- one colour for the interviewer and one for 'Ems'. Its easy reading! The rectangle of colour behind the large image adds a splash of colour but doesn't defer the eye from the image and the interview. very effective!"

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