Friday, 8 April 2011

Forms & Conventions

My music magazine uses, develops and challenges forms and conventions of real music magazines in its design, layout and mise en scene. I used all the codes and conventions of modern music magazines, in the way that my music magazine includes similar aspects as of those of the current magazines being distributed in the UK today. The features I included are all those that could be published in a modern day magazine; they all are relevant to music magazines in general. It includes a mix of interesting images, text, features and colours, designed to attract the eye, and the buyer. I did challenge the conventions of a real magazine, in the way I had a balance of text and images on the contents page instead of more text than images. On my double page spread, I ignored the common conventions of including one or two images, and included four, with a selection of one of the images stretched across the bottom, which is uncommon in other music magazines I’ve seen before.

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