Thursday, 7 April 2011

Ideas for my Magazine- Masthead

In order to create a professional-looking music magazine I needed to come up with an effective Masthead, with a relevant font and colour. I chose the name 'Bass' because you hear a lot of bass in dance music, and I wanted to include dance music in my magazine. Here are a selection of the fonts I could have used for my magazine.
I decided to use the ringed font; PlatinumBeat BTN, because it looked funky and urban, and I wanted my magazine to be very 'now' and 'street'.
AfterI had chosen a font, I then had to come up with a colour scheme to tie in with the front cover and the font. Here are a few designs I came up with. 

I decided to go with the grey background and yellow lettering because I feel it stood out against the rest of the designs and could be made to look very urban, with font glows and bright colours. The dull grey is brought to life by the bright yellow and the eye is very drawn to the yellow because it stands out so much against the grey, whereas other designs such as the black on white or the yellow on white, are not particularly appealing.

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